The world of virtual reality (VR) gaming is a multibillion dollar industry. The technical sophistication continues to ramp up to the point where the gamer can be completely immersed in the virtual world of the game.
With the latest VR games being available through your mobile phone, though many games are currently designed for sitting down, increasingly advantage is being taken of profound VR immersion available in standing and walking around in VR and for that there is need for locomotion and being contained from the real world.
Bray has worked closely with Dr Charles King CTO at WizDish Ltd to develop a VR Containment Frame to integrate with the WizDish™ ROVR locomotion platform that permits the gamer to stand, walk and physically participate in the game thereby eliminating sensory confusion and the often associated Sim sickness.
WizdishLtd has already started shipping the VR Containment Frame which is fabricated from PVC tube. The Frame provides support to the gamer, whilst giving a reference point, contains the gamer from the real world and is fully collapsible for shipping or stowing.
Dr King from Wizdish has used Bray’s fabricating expertise to improve their design in preparation for volume production in this rapidly growing market.
This service is just one of a range Bray is able to offer its customers.